The college has a computerised library with resourceful collection of books, CD ROMs and journals. There are nearly 15000 books belonging to different disciplines. Moreover there are about 25 journals and periodicals. The library shall remain open from 9.00am to 5:00 pm on all working days.
There are special sections for reading, lending and reference. Internet browsing is also available. The library is fully computerized and digitized with Machine Readable Catalogue facility for searching and Bar-coding for detection and transparency. Students and teachers visit the Library regularly and make use of the digital and print resources provided. The library is automated with the software KOHA version 21.05 for the overall management of library operations. Our library KOHA is available through the IP Books are classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme 22nd edition. We provide open access facility in the library actualizing the prime objective of providing the right information for the right user at the right time. The collection includes print documents as well as electronic documents.
The college Functions in two blocks,one double storied with carpet area of 10614.68 Sq.feet (Main Block) and another three storied with carpet area of 15320.36 Sq.feet(Master plan of the buildings are given in Appendix).The ground floor of the two storied building (Main block) consists of Seminar hall cum mathematics optional classroom and laboratory.Library,Reading room,Reference room,career corner,Generator room cum store room,toilets nad wash area of women teacher trainees.The first floor of the main block consists of Office room,Dining room for office staff,Reprographic room,Auditorium cum general classroom,Technology laboratory,SUPW workshop,Music room,Rest room for male teacher trainees,Principal's office,Principal's rest room,Conference room and Refreshment room.
The ground floor of the threestoried building(new block) consist of carporch,Staff room,Dining room and eash area,Natural science class room cum laboratory,Physical science classroom cum laboratory and common wash area.The second floor consist of Waiting room for female teacher trainees,English optional class room cum laboratory,Hindi optional classroom cum laboratory,Social science optional class room cum laboratory,Social science Museum and computer cum language laboratory,The second floor consists of Multi-purpose hall,Malayalam optional classroom cum laboratory.Physical Education department and Psychology laboratory cum counselling centre.The college has ample space for sports and has enough furniture and equipment.
Facilities | Dimensions |
Land | 97 Acres |
Area of play ground | 100000 Sq.feet(Shared) |
Seminar Hall/Mathematics classroom cum Lab | 807.Sq.feet |
Library | 1049 Sq.feet |
Reading room | 463 Sq.feet |
Generator Room | 441 Sq.feet |
Administrative Office | 437 Sq.feet |
Dining Room | 410 Sq.feet |
Auditorium | 1140 Sq.feet |
Technology Lab | 878 Sq.feet |
SUPW Workshop | 316 Sq.feet |
Music Room | 92 Sq.feet |
Rest Room for Male teachers Trainee | 85 Sq.feet |
Principal's Office | 425 Sq.feet |
Conference Room | 305 Sq.feet |
Refreshment Room | 48 Sq.feet |
Car porch | 461 Sq.feet |
Staff Room | 878 Sq.feet |
Natural Science Classroom cum Laboratory | 665 Sq.feet |
Physical Science Classroom cum Laboratory | 665 Sq.feet |
Women teachers trainee's waiting room | 213 Sq.feet |
English optional classroom cum Laboratory | 665 Sq.feet |
Hindi optional classroom cum Laboratory | 665 Sq.feet |
Social Science optional classroom cum Laboratory | 665 Sq.feet |
Socail Science Museum | 70 Sq.feet |
Multipurpose Hall | 1298 Sq.feet |
Malayalam Optional Classroom cum laboratory | 665 Sq.feet |
Psychology lab cum cunselling centre | 461 Sq.feet |
Computer Cum language lab | 461 Sq.feet |
Toilet (Male and Female) | 280 Sq.feet |
Reprography Room | 234 Sq.feet |
Photocopying facility is available in the college library at moderate charges.
Various laboratories such as computer lab, language lab, psychology lab and science labs function well in the college.
Hostel facilities for girl students are available in NSS College’s Hostels and NSS Working Women’s Hostel.
Purchased sports and games equipment.